Source code for torch_kmeans.clustering.constr_kmeans

from typing import Any, Optional, Tuple, Union
from warnings import warn

# import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import LongTensor, Tensor

from ..utils.distances import BaseDistance, LpDistance
from ..utils.utils import first_nonzero, group_by_label_mean, rm_kwargs
from .kmeans import KMeans

__all__ = ["ConstrainedKMeans"]

class InfeasibilityError(Exception):
    """Raised when no feasible assignment could be found."""

[docs]class ConstrainedKMeans(KMeans): """ Implements constrained k-means clustering. Priority implementation is based on the method of Paper: Geetha, S., G. Poonthalir, and P. T. Vanathi. "Improved k-means algorithm for capacitated clustering problem." INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science 8.4 (2009) Args: init_method: Method to initialize cluster centers: ['rnd', 'topk', 'k-means++', 'ckm++'] (default: 'rnd') num_init: Number of different initial starting configurations, i.e. different sets of initial centers (default: 8). max_iter: Maximum number of iterations (default: 100). distance: batched distance evaluator (default: LpDistance). p_norm: norm for lp distance (default: 2). tol: Relative tolerance with regards to Frobenius norm of the difference in the cluster centers of two consecutive iterations to declare convergence. (default: 1e-4) n_clusters: Default number of clusters to use if not provided in call (optional, default: 8). verbose: Verbosity flag to print additional info (default: True). seed: Seed to fix random state for randomized center inits (default: 123). n_priority_trials_before_fall_back: Number of trials trying to assign samples to constrained clusters based on priority values before falling back to assigning the node with the highest weight to a cluster which can still accommodate it or the dummy cluster otherwise. (default: 5) raise_infeasible: if set to False, will only display a warning instead of raising an error (default: True) **kwargs: additional key word arguments for the distance function. """ INIT_METHODS = ["rnd", "k-means++", "topk", "ckm++"] NORM_METHODS = [] def __init__( self, init_method: str = "rnd", num_init: int = 8, max_iter: int = 100, distance: BaseDistance = LpDistance, p_norm: int = 2, tol: float = 1e-4, n_clusters: Optional[int] = 8, verbose: bool = True, seed: Optional[int] = 123, n_priority_trials_before_fall_back: int = 5, raise_infeasible: bool = True, **kwargs, ): kwargs = rm_kwargs(kwargs, ["normalize"]) super(ConstrainedKMeans, self).__init__( init_method=init_method, num_init=num_init, max_iter=max_iter, distance=distance, p_norm=p_norm, tol=tol, normalize=None, n_clusters=n_clusters, verbose=verbose, seed=seed, **kwargs, ) self.n_trials = n_priority_trials_before_fall_back self.raise_infeasible = raise_infeasible # check if self.n_trials <= 0: raise ValueError(f"n_trials should be > 0, " f"but got {self.n_trials}.") if self.distance.is_inverted: raise ValueError( "constrained k-means does not work " "for inverted distance measures." ) if self.init_method == "topk" and self.num_init > 1: raise ValueError( "topk init method is deterministic and " "does not work with num_init > 1." ) def _check_weights( self, weights, dims: Tuple, dtype: torch.dtype = torch.float32, device: torch.device = torch.device("cpu"), ) -> Tensor: if not isinstance(weights, Tensor): raise TypeError( f"weights has to be a torch.Tensor " f"but got {type(weights)}." ) if not ((0 < weights) & (weights <= 1)).all(): raise ValueError( "weights must be positive and " "be normalized between [0, 1]" ) bs, n, d = dims if len(weights.shape) == 2: if weights.size(0) != bs or weights.size(1) != n: raise ValueError( f"weights needs to be of shape " f"({bs}, {n}, )," f"but got {tuple(weights.shape)}." ) else: raise ValueError( f"weights have unsupported shape of " f"{tuple(weights.shape)} " f"instead of ({bs}, {n})." ) return weights.contiguous().to(dtype=dtype, device=device)
[docs] def predict(self, x: Tensor, weights: Tensor, **kwargs) -> LongTensor: """Predict the closest cluster each sample in X belongs to. Args: x: input features/coordinates (BS, N, D) weights: normalized weight for each sample (BS, N) **kwargs: additional kwargs for assignment procedure Returns: batch tensor of cluster labels for each sample (BS, N) """ assert self.is_fitted x = self._check_x(x) weights = self._check_weights(weights, dims=x.shape, dtype=x.dtype) k_mask, _ = self._get_kmask(self._result.k, num_init=1) return self._assign( x, centers=self._result.centers[:, None, :, :], weights=weights, k_mask=k_mask, **kwargs, )
@torch.no_grad() def _center_init(self, x: Tensor, k: LongTensor, **kwargs): if self.init_method == "rnd": return self._init_rnd(x, k) elif self.init_method == "k-means++": return self._init_plus(x, k) elif self.init_method == "topk": return self._init_topk(x, k, **kwargs) elif self.init_method == "ckm++": return self._init_ckm_plus(x, k, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f"unknown initialization method: {self.init_method}.") def _init_topk(self, x: Tensor, k: LongTensor, weights: Tensor, **kwargs) -> Tensor: """Choose k nodes with largest weights as initial centers. Args: x: (BS, N, D) k: (BS, ) weights: (BS, N) Returns: centers: (BS, num_init, k, D) """ if self.num_init > 1: raise RuntimeError( "topk init method is deterministic and " "does not work with num_init > 1." ) bs, n, d = x.size() k_max = torch.max(k).cpu().item() # sample from uniform in batch and for num_init runs idx = torch.topk(weights, k=k_max, dim=-1).indices return x.gather( index=idx.view(bs, -1)[:, :, None].expand(bs, -1, d), dim=1 ).view(bs, self.num_init, k_max, d) def _init_ckm_plus( self, x: Tensor, k: LongTensor, weights: Tensor, **kwargs ) -> Tensor: """Choose initial centers via adapted k-means++ method which also considers the weights. Args: x: (BS, N, D) k: (BS, ) Returns: centers: (BS, num_init, k, D) """ bs, n, d = x.size() k_max = torch.max(k).cpu().item() if self.seed is not None: # make random init reproducible independent of current iteration, # which otherwise would step and change the torch generator state gen = torch.Generator(device=x.device) gen.manual_seed(self.seed) else: gen = None bsm = bs * self.num_init bsm_idx = torch.arange(bsm, device=x.device) centers = torch.empty((bsm, k_max, d), dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device) weights = weights[:, None, :].expand(bs, self.num_init, n).reshape(bsm, n) # TODO: implement selection of n local trials # (select center out of trials which minimizes inertia) # n_local_trials = 2 + int(np.log(k_max)) # select first center randomly assert n > self.num_init, ( f"Number of samples must be larger than <num_init> " f"but got {n} <= {self.num_init}" ) idx = torch.multinomial( torch.empty((bs, n), device=x.device, dtype=x.dtype).fill_(1 / n), num_samples=self.num_init, replacement=False, generator=gen, ) centers[:, 0] = x.gather(index=idx[:, :, None].expand(-1, -1, d), dim=1).view( -1, d ) msk = torch.zeros((bsm, n, k_max), dtype=torch.bool, device=x.device) msk[bsm_idx, idx.view(-1), 0] = True # select the remaining k-1 centers # The intuition behind this approach is that spreading out the # k initial cluster centers is a good thing: the first cluster # center is chosen uniformly at random from the data points that # are being clustered, after which each subsequent cluster center # is chosen from the remaining data points with probability # proportional to its squared distance from the point's closest # existing cluster center weighted by its weight. for nc in range(1, k_max): dist = self._pairwise_distance( x, centers[:, :nc].view(bs, self.num_init, -1, d) ).view(bsm, n, nc) pot = weights[:, :, None].expand(bsm, n, nc) * dist**2 pot[msk[:, :, :nc]] = 0 pot = pot.min(dim=-1).values idx = torch.multinomial(pot, 1, generator=gen).view(bs, self.num_init) centers[:, nc] = x.gather( index=idx[:, :, None].expand(-1, -1, d), dim=1 ).view(-1, d) msk[bsm_idx, idx.view(-1), nc] = True return centers.view(bs, self.num_init, k_max, d) def _get_kmask(self, k: Tensor, num_init: int = 1) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """Compute mask of number of clusters k for centers of each instance.""" bs = k.size(0) # mask centers for which k < k_max with inf to get correct assignment k_max = torch.max(k).cpu().item() + 1 # dummy cluster k_max_range = torch.arange(k_max, device=k.device)[None, :].expand(bs, -1) k_mask = k_max_range >= k[:, None] k_mask = k_mask[:, None, :].expand(bs, num_init, -1) return k_mask, k_max_range @torch.no_grad() def _cluster( self, x: Tensor, centers: Tensor, k: LongTensor, weights: Tensor, **kwargs ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Union[Tensor, Any]]: """ Execute main algorithm. Args: x: (BS, N, D) centers: (BS, num_init, k_max, D) k: (BS, ) weights: normalized weights w.r.t. constraint of 1.0 (BS, N, ) """ weights = self._check_weights( weights, dims=x.shape, dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device ) bs, n, d = x.size() # add dummy center at origin to assign nodes which cannot be assigned # at an intermediate point because they violate all capacities centers = (centers, torch.zeros((bs, self.num_init, 1, d), device=x.device)), dim=2 ) k_mask, k_max_range = self._get_kmask(k, num_init=self.num_init) for i in range(self.max_iter): centers[k_mask] = float("inf") old_centers = centers.clone() # get cluster assignments c_assign = self._assign(x, centers, weights, k_mask) # update cluster centers centers = group_by_label_mean(x, c_assign, k_max_range) if self.tol is not None: # calculate center shift shift = self._calculate_shift(centers, old_centers, p=self.p_norm) if (shift < self.tol).all(): if self.verbose: print( f"Full batch converged at iteration " f"{i + 1}/{self.max_iter} " f"with center shifts: " f"\n{shift.view(-1, self.num_init).mean(-1)}." ) break if self.verbose and i == self.max_iter - 1: print( f"Full batch did not converge after " f"{self.max_iter} maximum iterations." f"\nThere were some center shifts in last iteration " f"larger than specified threshold {self.tol}: " f"\n{shift.view(-1, self.num_init).mean(-1)}" ) # select best rnd restart according to inertia centers[k_mask] = float("inf") c_assign = self._assign(x, centers, weights, k_mask) if (c_assign < 0).any(): # There remain some dummy clusters after convergence. # This means the algorithm could not find a # feasible assignment for at least one init # Check if there is at least 1 feasible solution for each instance feasible = (c_assign >= 0).all(-1).any(-1) if not feasible.all(): inf_idx = (feasible == 0).nonzero().squeeze() msg = ( f"No feasible assignment found for " f"instance(s) with idx: {inf_idx}.\n" f"(Try to increase the number of clusters " f"or loosen the constraints.)" ) if self.raise_infeasible: raise InfeasibilityError(msg) else: warn(msg + "\nInfeasible instances removed from output.") x = x[feasible] centers = centers[feasible] c_assign = c_assign[feasible] bs = feasible.sum() # at least one init produced a feasible assignment # replace infeasible inits with feasible dummies to compute inertia feasible = (c_assign >= 0).all(-1) valid, dummy_row_idx = first_nonzero(feasible) assgn = ( c_assign[torch.arange(bs, device=x.device), dummy_row_idx][:, None, :] .expand(c_assign.size()) .contiguous() ) assgn[feasible] = c_assign[feasible] c_assign = assgn inertia = self._calculate_inertia(x, centers, c_assign) best_init = torch.argmin(inertia, dim=-1) b_idx = torch.arange(bs, device=x.device) return ( c_assign[b_idx, best_init], centers[b_idx, best_init], inertia[b_idx, best_init], None, ) def _assign( self, x: Tensor, centers: Tensor, weights: Tensor, k_mask: Tensor, **kwargs ) -> LongTensor: # dist: (bs, num_init, n, k_max) dist = self._pairwise_distance(x, centers) bs, num_init, n, k_max = dist.size() bsm = bs * num_init dist = dist.view(bsm, n, k_max) # we use a heuristic approach to include the # cluster capacity by defining a priority value w.r.t. the weight # (demand, workload, etc.) of each point # The idea is to first assign points with a # relatively larger weight to the clusters # and then points with smaller weight which # can be more easily assigned to other clusters. weights = weights[:, None, :].expand(bs, num_init, n).reshape(bsm, n) priority = weights[:, :, None].expand(bsm, n, k_max) / dist priority[ k_mask[:, :, None, :].expand(bs, num_init, n, k_max).reshape(bsm, n, k_max) ] = 0 # loop over all nodes to sequentially assign them to clusters # while keeping track of cluster capacity assignment = -torch.ones((bsm, n), device=x.device, dtype=torch.long) cluster_capacity = torch.ones(k_mask.size(), device=x.device) cluster_capacity[k_mask] = 0 cluster_capacity = cluster_capacity.view(bsm, k_max) for i in range(n): ##n_trials = min(n-i, self.n_trials) # noqa n_trials = self.n_trials max_val_k, max_idx_k = priority.max(dim=-1) # select n_trials top priority nodes for each instance max_idx_n = max_val_k.topk(dim=-1, k=n_trials).indices # get corresponding cluster idx and weight cl_try = max_idx_k.gather(index=max_idx_n, dim=-1) w_try = weights.gather(index=max_idx_n, dim=-1) can_be_assigned = cluster_capacity.gather(index=cl_try, dim=-1) >= w_try # get first nonzero as idx and a validity mask # if any trial could be assigned valid_idx, fnz = first_nonzero(can_be_assigned, dim=-1) trial_select = fnz[valid_idx] cl_select = cl_try[valid_idx, trial_select] # do assignment n_select = max_idx_n[valid_idx, trial_select] assignment[valid_idx, n_select] = cl_select # mask priority of assigned nodes priority[valid_idx, n_select] = 0 # adjust cluster capacity cur_cap = cluster_capacity[valid_idx, cl_select].clone() cluster_capacity[valid_idx, cl_select] = ( cur_cap - w_try[valid_idx, trial_select] ) # all instances with no valid idx could not assign any trial node not_assigned = ~valid_idx if not_assigned.any(): # complete current assignment where for some instances # all trials based on priority were not feasible, # by assigning the node with the highest weight # to a cluster which can still accommodate it # or the dummy cluster at the origin otherwise (idx = -1) n_not_assigned = not_assigned.sum() cur_cap = cluster_capacity[not_assigned].clone() available = assignment[not_assigned] < 0 # select node with highest weight from remaining unassigned nodes try: w = weights[not_assigned][available].view(n_not_assigned, -1) except RuntimeError: # fallback: just select best of first min available clusters sm = available.sum(-1) min_av = sm.min() av_msk = sm > min_av if min_av <= 1: av_valid, av_idx = first_nonzero(available) available[av_msk] = False available[av_msk, av_idx[av_msk]] = True else: avbl = available[av_msk] bi_cp = 0 cnter = 0 for bi, zi in zip(*avbl.nonzero(as_tuple=True)): if bi == bi_cp: cnter += 1 else: bi_cp += 1 cnter = 1 if cnter > min_av: avbl[bi, zi] = False available[av_msk] = avbl w = weights[not_assigned][available].view(n_not_assigned, -1) max_w, max_idx = w.max(dim=-1, keepdims=True) max_idx_n = ( available.nonzero(as_tuple=True)[1] .view(n_not_assigned, -1) .gather(dim=-1, index=max_idx) .squeeze(-1) ) # check the cluster priorities of this node msk = cur_cap >= max_w n_prio_idx = ( priority[not_assigned, max_idx_n] .sort(dim=-1, descending=True) .indices ) # reorder msk according to priority and select first valid index select_msk = msk.gather(index=n_prio_idx, dim=-1) # get first nonzero as idx valid_idx, fnz = first_nonzero(select_msk, dim=-1) # nodes which cannot be assigned to any cluster anymore # since no sufficient capacity is available # are assigned to a dummy cluster with idx -1. cl_select = -torch.ones( n_not_assigned, device=x.device, dtype=torch.long ) cl_select[valid_idx] = n_prio_idx[valid_idx, fnz[valid_idx]] # do assignment assignment[not_assigned, max_idx_n] = cl_select # adapt priority priority[not_assigned, max_idx_n] = 0 # adjust cluster capacity cur_cap = cluster_capacity[not_assigned, cl_select].clone() cluster_capacity[not_assigned, cl_select] = cur_cap - max_w.squeeze(-1) return assignment.view(bs, num_init, n)